Friday, August 18, 2006
Highlight of the week...
Sorry for the un-updated blog for few days. Quite busy and lazy to do updates anyway. Ok here's my highlights for this few days.Tuesday,August 15
skipped ME tutorial and went to Carrefour for some BBQ-shopping. 9 of us,4 boys and 5 girls were hipping around the Carrefour and we had lotsa fun.First we had our lunch at McD and we did the shoppings after that.For the very first time in my entire life I went shopping with my pals and for the very first time also I'm shopping with a calculator...LOL. We had to calculate our budgets so that we won't overspent the money.
So after shopping we went back to John's house,the venue of the BBQ took place.Then we put everything there and off we go for our IA tutorial class.After the IA tutorial,everyone in the class,in black took some class pictures before we heading to home.
Here's some of the pictures and some edited pictures of mine.

edited with photoshop by me..

Wednesday,August 16
I was stucked at Tmn Melati LRT station because of heavy rain.Luckily I had Kama to sms with to ease some of my bored-ness while waiting for the rain stops. My clock shows that it was 11.50am and the rain is yet to stop,my BS tutorial class starts at 12.00pm and here I am, 2km away from the college.I grab my phone and called Hui Ling asking where is she,she was on the way in the LRT and she asked me to wait for her.So I waited for her and she arrived with "Golden Pig" as her companion,LOL. P/S Golden pig is not any normal pig,he's a human look-a-like pig and he talks!!. Then we took taxi to the college. Ok,so after that we decided to skip BITA lecture and ME tutorial class and went over to Yung Ming's hostel to take some of his stuff from his hostel.John and Hui Ling was there too. Well at first I thought college hostel was big or something like house lah. When I enter his room, it was like OMG-ing small!! It's just like half of my room and with two beds and 2 tables. My head was dropping hard that time. Then four of us had a lil' card games before we head for John's house.
We did a lil' clean up and I arrange the songs in the Windows Media Player to play in the BBQ night. Everything went well. 6.30pm,everyone started to arrive with the stupidly smiling faces,LoL. We started the fire and the BBQ session is started!! It's 10.30pm,everyone started saying that they wanna the birthday celebration started early..the birthday boy of the night,Khim Chew (Golden Pig) and suprising another birthday boy of the night, ME ( my birthday next week though +.+) was celebrated that night.We had a lil' cake bashing that night and it was all fun!! At first I don't wanna join the cake bashing thingy till suddenly a cake from Hui Ling's hand hit my head, I was like WTF? and i took a cake from the table and scream...HUIII LIIIIINGGGGG~
Yeah,so i joined the bashing cake activity...
After 12am,the clean up was finished and we went to mamak stall nearby to have a drink.We go in a group cuz' we dont wanna be another slashed victim in Desa Setapak.The mamak session ended up around 1am++.Those who overnight at John's house that,Yung Ming,Khim Chew,Hui Ling,Lan Yun and Rathika had a sleepless night as we played some card games and jokes.It was 5am and almost all of us was asleep due to tiredness.The 3 evil twins, me,Hui Ling and Lan Yun planned up and evil plan. We grab a few markers and a camera...and we conteng others who is sleeping and took a picture of it,muahahaha.Then Hui Ling was tired and fall asleep, but she warned us to not play a joke on her or else we're dead meat in the morning.So it was left me and Lan Yun staying awake. I took some pictures of the sleeping scenary in the living room and chatted with Lan Yun who is busy with her handphone a while.I fall asleep around 6.30am.
Thursday,August 17
I wake up around 8.45am.But almost all of them was still sleeping.So we missed out the IA tutorial class.We had our breakfast, or may I say breaklunch (breakfast+lunch) at around 12.30pm.Then we head back to John's house and we had another sleeping session until 4pm.Then me,Hui Ling,Khim Chew and Rathika went to Wangsa Maju LRT station to head back to our respective homes.I arrived at home aroun 7pm++.
What a day..