Thursday, August 24, 2006
Happy 18th Birthday Ng Boon Kit !!

Yep,I'm now officially 18 years old!! I'm not underage anymore!! Muahahaha~

yum yummy !!
Well my fellow coursemates celebrate my birthday today,which suprises me.FYI i never ever celebrated my birthday before.So this is my very first time though,yes im touched indeed ;)
So okay here it went, I was in the IA tutorial class like usual having a hard time to understand what account really is. Then suddenly someone knocked the door.He came in with a bouquet of flowers. I was wondering who's the lucky girl gonna get this lovely flower. Out of sudden my name was called,I was shocked like hell and almost speechless when my name was called.Everyone is looking at me.The guy then said, "Who's Ng Boon Kit? Please raise up your hand,thank you". I raised my hand and I received the flower with my mind going blank,everyone was clapping like I'm receiving an Oscar award..pathetic enough.
Arghh well here's the "lovely" flower. It looks and smell nice,but its making me feeling like.... "girlish" !! I mean if a pen,book or even a clock will be nice enough,but flowers??!! LOL,no offence but i'm appreciating it. I even put it into a vase and showing it off to my family members.
After the class we went to canteen 2 for the traditional birthday celebration which is..
Yes your right, singing birthday song,having a wishing session and cutting cake session...and all of this I'm doing it for the very first time in my entire life,for real !
i'm surrounded by the angels of DHR1,LOL
frm left; khim chew,me and yung ming
yung ming feeding me,i's sooo gheyyy
poi mun and hui ling...whats up with da spoons?
eating cake ceremony, yes with spoon..
the closing ceremony,cool huh?
even Sanjay can't believe that i'm 18
i know i know,i'm not cute...
Thanks for everything guyz, really appreciate every single moment of it