Thursday, August 31, 2006
Merdeka Logo
It was past 49 years ago since British flag was lowered in Kuala Lumpur on independence day and the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Shah led the crowd in announcing MERDEKA! Well Malaysia changed since then.
Photographs of Abdul Rahman raising his hand, and recordings of his emotional but determined voice leading the cheers, have become familiar icons of Malaysian independence.
Every 31st August, Merdeka was celebrated every single year throughout the whole country. Flag raised and everyone shouting Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka.
Well every year there will be a logo thingy for the Merdeka event, it was lke something symbolize the merdeka celebration for that very year with slogan and meaningful logo.

The only thing that amazed me that from the year 2000-2006(now) the logo and the slogan have never been changed since that. "Keranamu Malaysia" was used for almost 6 freaking years and I'm damn bored of it. Why the heck those people never ever change the logo and slogan?
I mean no offence, I love my country , I love Malaysia , I appreciate the past warriors who sacrifice their own life for the country but I'm just bored of the same old logo and slogan which stands for almost 2190 day !!