Thursday, August 31, 2006
Merdeka Logo
It was past 49 years ago since British flag was lowered in Kuala Lumpur on independence day and the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Shah led the crowd in announcing MERDEKA! Well Malaysia changed since then.
Photographs of Abdul Rahman raising his hand, and recordings of his emotional but determined voice leading the cheers, have become familiar icons of Malaysian independence.
Every 31st August, Merdeka was celebrated every single year throughout the whole country. Flag raised and everyone shouting Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka.
Well every year there will be a logo thingy for the Merdeka event, it was lke something symbolize the merdeka celebration for that very year with slogan and meaningful logo.

The only thing that amazed me that from the year 2000-2006(now) the logo and the slogan have never been changed since that. "Keranamu Malaysia" was used for almost 6 freaking years and I'm damn bored of it. Why the heck those people never ever change the logo and slogan?
I mean no offence, I love my country , I love Malaysia , I appreciate the past warriors who sacrifice their own life for the country but I'm just bored of the same old logo and slogan which stands for almost 2190 day !!
Another day..
Went to college for ME lecture at DKABD. What can I say,the lecturer was damn good until I never felt bored when listening to her lecture. Too bad this is my first time and also the last time attending her lecture. So then we went to canteen 2 to have lunch.Suddenly Yung Ming told me that BS tutorial was cancelled. The first thing on my mind was, OMG Jun maybe is on her way to college. So i quickly grab my handphone and message her. I told her to wait at Wangsa Maju LRT Station while I'll get the notes for her from Ivy. While waiting for Ivy at college's hostel, suddenly the rain started. I was all wet when I arrived at canteen later with Ivy.
Then we rushed to Wangsa Maju LRT to meet Jun. Gave her the notes and we went to KLCC. Ok overthere we took a few pictures. We look like tourist fooling around with taking pictures. Damn.
After that John, Yung Ming, Yeok See and Rathika went to Puduraya cuz' they're heading back to their hometown which mean left me, Khim Chew, Yan Li, Lan Yun, Hui Ling and Jun. Then we decided to watch a movie instead. At first we don't know what to watch, but then we finally made up our mind.

ignore the "coming soon" sign
Starred by Jack Black, Hector Jimenez and Ana De La Reguera this show is really hilarious. Its about a fat guy who lives at a monastery who loves to wrestle which were forbidden in the monastery. Overall an OK-OK movie I must say, enjoyed it though.
The movie finished around 3.30pm. We hangout around KLCC for awhile and then we went back to our respective home seperately.
What a day.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
MSN Messenger Emoticon
MSN Messenger is a program where you can chat with your friends,relatives or your close one.It's formally known as Instant Message device.
Windows Messenger,it's automatically installed when you install your Windows on your desktop.
You can chat, gossip, argue, start a relationship, find gf bf or even ask for clashes with your partner. Gosh this thing is so multi-functional I couldn't ask for more.

Advanced version of Windows Messenger, MSN Messenger 7.5. Now you can display your picture so that others can see your lovely face.
Ok, back to the topic. Your chatting box will be super boring if only words appear inside it. It will be like reading a super boring article that gives you headache.Hence emoticons was invented.

From laughing to crying, now you can express your emoticons freely!

You even had your personal emoticons which usually more funnier and much cooler compares to default emoticon.
You can laugh with your friend in MSN eventhough your not laughing, you cried while your not,you angry and and made others scared for no reason and blaming their ownself for making you angry while your not, how pathetic.
Mostly personal emoticons are own made and it's way cooler than the default one. But that's mostly done by advanced users. People like us usually just copy down from others and make it as our emoticon.
Ok that's fine, but the thing that pissed me off is this..

i had a hard time figuring out what the fella is trying to say...
No, this is not a emoticon show off or who's-the-best-or-cutest-emoticon competition. The person is chatting normally with usual conversation with me. The problem is the fella's emoticon shortcut is too common!! It's like a simple hi will be like an emoticon waving at you. Can't you use a better shortcut like /hi or something else?
Futhermore for the slow connection users,they will have a hard time waiting for your emoticon to loads when they're chatting with you. Luckily I'm a

I hope the person I'm chatting with in the conversation box won't notice this post, or else my ass will be kicked....real hard.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Exam on 13th
Well got my exam's time table today through Yan Li's USB/pen drive or whatever you call it..
the highlighted text shows the subject I'm gonna sit for the exam
Good luck Ng Boon Kit.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Happy 18th Birthday Ng Boon Kit !!

Yep,I'm now officially 18 years old!! I'm not underage anymore!! Muahahaha~

yum yummy !!
Well my fellow coursemates celebrate my birthday today,which suprises me.FYI i never ever celebrated my birthday before.So this is my very first time though,yes im touched indeed ;)
So okay here it went, I was in the IA tutorial class like usual having a hard time to understand what account really is. Then suddenly someone knocked the door.He came in with a bouquet of flowers. I was wondering who's the lucky girl gonna get this lovely flower. Out of sudden my name was called,I was shocked like hell and almost speechless when my name was called.Everyone is looking at me.The guy then said, "Who's Ng Boon Kit? Please raise up your hand,thank you". I raised my hand and I received the flower with my mind going blank,everyone was clapping like I'm receiving an Oscar award..pathetic enough.
Arghh well here's the "lovely" flower. It looks and smell nice,but its making me feeling like.... "girlish" !! I mean if a pen,book or even a clock will be nice enough,but flowers??!! LOL,no offence but i'm appreciating it. I even put it into a vase and showing it off to my family members.
After the class we went to canteen 2 for the traditional birthday celebration which is..
Yes your right, singing birthday song,having a wishing session and cutting cake session...and all of this I'm doing it for the very first time in my entire life,for real !
i'm surrounded by the angels of DHR1,LOL
frm left; khim chew,me and yung ming
yung ming feeding me,i's sooo gheyyy
poi mun and hui ling...whats up with da spoons?
eating cake ceremony, yes with spoon..
the closing ceremony,cool huh?
even Sanjay can't believe that i'm 18
i know i know,i'm not cute...
Thanks for everything guyz, really appreciate every single moment of it
Friday, August 18, 2006
Highlight of the week...
Sorry for the un-updated blog for few days. Quite busy and lazy to do updates anyway. Ok here's my highlights for this few days.Tuesday,August 15
skipped ME tutorial and went to Carrefour for some BBQ-shopping. 9 of us,4 boys and 5 girls were hipping around the Carrefour and we had lotsa fun.First we had our lunch at McD and we did the shoppings after that.For the very first time in my entire life I went shopping with my pals and for the very first time also I'm shopping with a calculator...LOL. We had to calculate our budgets so that we won't overspent the money.
So after shopping we went back to John's house,the venue of the BBQ took place.Then we put everything there and off we go for our IA tutorial class.After the IA tutorial,everyone in the class,in black took some class pictures before we heading to home.
Here's some of the pictures and some edited pictures of mine.

edited with photoshop by me..

Wednesday,August 16
I was stucked at Tmn Melati LRT station because of heavy rain.Luckily I had Kama to sms with to ease some of my bored-ness while waiting for the rain stops. My clock shows that it was 11.50am and the rain is yet to stop,my BS tutorial class starts at 12.00pm and here I am, 2km away from the college.I grab my phone and called Hui Ling asking where is she,she was on the way in the LRT and she asked me to wait for her.So I waited for her and she arrived with "Golden Pig" as her companion,LOL. P/S Golden pig is not any normal pig,he's a human look-a-like pig and he talks!!. Then we took taxi to the college. Ok,so after that we decided to skip BITA lecture and ME tutorial class and went over to Yung Ming's hostel to take some of his stuff from his hostel.John and Hui Ling was there too. Well at first I thought college hostel was big or something like house lah. When I enter his room, it was like OMG-ing small!! It's just like half of my room and with two beds and 2 tables. My head was dropping hard that time. Then four of us had a lil' card games before we head for John's house.
We did a lil' clean up and I arrange the songs in the Windows Media Player to play in the BBQ night. Everything went well. 6.30pm,everyone started to arrive with the stupidly smiling faces,LoL. We started the fire and the BBQ session is started!! It's 10.30pm,everyone started saying that they wanna the birthday celebration started early..the birthday boy of the night,Khim Chew (Golden Pig) and suprising another birthday boy of the night, ME ( my birthday next week though +.+) was celebrated that night.We had a lil' cake bashing that night and it was all fun!! At first I don't wanna join the cake bashing thingy till suddenly a cake from Hui Ling's hand hit my head, I was like WTF? and i took a cake from the table and scream...HUIII LIIIIINGGGGG~
Yeah,so i joined the bashing cake activity...
After 12am,the clean up was finished and we went to mamak stall nearby to have a drink.We go in a group cuz' we dont wanna be another slashed victim in Desa Setapak.The mamak session ended up around 1am++.Those who overnight at John's house that,Yung Ming,Khim Chew,Hui Ling,Lan Yun and Rathika had a sleepless night as we played some card games and jokes.It was 5am and almost all of us was asleep due to tiredness.The 3 evil twins, me,Hui Ling and Lan Yun planned up and evil plan. We grab a few markers and a camera...and we conteng others who is sleeping and took a picture of it,muahahaha.Then Hui Ling was tired and fall asleep, but she warned us to not play a joke on her or else we're dead meat in the morning.So it was left me and Lan Yun staying awake. I took some pictures of the sleeping scenary in the living room and chatted with Lan Yun who is busy with her handphone a while.I fall asleep around 6.30am.
Thursday,August 17
I wake up around 8.45am.But almost all of them was still sleeping.So we missed out the IA tutorial class.We had our breakfast, or may I say breaklunch (breakfast+lunch) at around 12.30pm.Then we head back to John's house and we had another sleeping session until 4pm.Then me,Hui Ling,Khim Chew and Rathika went to Wangsa Maju LRT station to head back to our respective homes.I arrived at home aroun 7pm++.
What a day..
Sunday, August 13, 2006
When i was fliping The Star paper this morning,this is what i saw on OtakuZone
woot? what is kama's artwork is doing on the fanart section??

sry for ma webcam's bad quality,lemme translate fer ya
Fan art by
Nur Kamariah
Macthal, 16
of Negri
I was amazed.
Friday, August 11, 2006
So it's Friday today and I had to attend for the football thingy at college.Everything went fine till then I got news from my friend that our team's main striker, Ah Ann suffered several injuries due to some games he played somewhere.Okayyyyyy he's injured now and the tournament will start team is sooooooooo D.E.A.D.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Dull Thursday
Yet another boring Thursday,hell I started my day badly...I waited for 323 Rapid KL bus around 8.10am and guess what time the bus came? 8.55am!! what the fish? It was stated at the Rapid KL board there that they will be a bus every 15 minutes,but I waited for almost 45 minutes!! Wth. That makes me late for my account class today.Ok,the account lesson was quite boring and ended up at 12.00pm sharp.Shits happens all the time...our BITA assignment was about to finish and suddenly our original article went missing,damn!! John said that maybe the article left at his home but after we went to his house for a look,there's no article in his house.So we figure it out by asking Adam to go for Yung Ming's house to search for the article.Later around 5-6pm Adam said he can't find the article at Yung Ming's house but he said he'll do another one by his own.But the deadline is tomorrow!! Arghh i don't know whether he can finish up on time or not... DAMN~
Earlier me and some bunch of friends thought wanna go for a karaoke session at Sg.Wang tomorrow but just now Hui Ling called me to inform that it was cancelled due to the sickness of Rathika and lack of participants from the others.I'm officially frustrated =(
Well Kama earlier sms-ed me that she's skipping her school yet again -.- . Then she went for shopping at KL for the Gunung Dato' expedition tomorrow.Oh how worried I am now,my beloved sister is going for a mount climbing expedition and anything worse could happen to her during the trip...but what can I do? But nahh, I'm sure she can take care of herself...she's a tough girl though.
Anyway here's some picture taken after the IA class last Thursday.

i look fat in this picture....arghhh!!

frm left yeok see,yung ming and hui ling..

frm left tsin yi,hui ling,lan yun,xiao wei,rathika and yeok see

khim chew and yung ming *gheyness detected..teet teet*
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Yet another meaningless day.
Well nothing much happened today,just went for IA and ME lectures today and hell like always ME lecture is bored to death.I fill up my boring-ness with playing John's laptop... and guess what,I can online inside the lecture hall!! Like it's very hard to find a wireless connection inside a big hall but inside the DKZ i manage to connect to the internet!! What the fish? LolBut then my course rep,Yung Ming sibuk pula wanna online...and the worse thing just happened,when he on his laptop...the login sound was playing loud inside the lecture hall and everyone is looking at us!! WTH. Luckily the lecturer didn't notice that we we're using laptop cuz' we're like sitting way up the lecture hall,LOL.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Oukayyy,it`s 9.40pm and i don't know what should i do now.None of my friends online,i'm just listening to those darn songs over and over and over and over again..yep i'm officially BORED.

yes, i'm that bored..
Ok cut the craps off,i'm having a great time at college today...i think so. I'm suppose to have my coursework 2 for BITA today and this last few days i've been studying and revising for the exam. While joking with my friends at the front door of DKABD lecture hall and out of a sudden a girl from the another course said that the class today was cancelled. Ok,the point is I don't know whether it's a good news or not.

hip hip...hoooray??
So me and another coursemate went inside the lecture hall anyway as it's still early.Then we sit around my another coursemates lepak-ing with them and sedar tak sedar we've chatted for almost 2 1/2 hours !! Lots of craps we've talked, from foods to places,from ghost stories to sex jokes *ahem* and much much more. Well the only that shocked me that a nice innocent looking cute little girl like Hui Ling actually drinks!! I mean not only normal drinks, believe me or not she actually can drink up to 40 cans of Carlsberg and still can walk straight!!

x 40??
And before I wanna end my blog for tonight..I would like to wish to all of you who is reading my blog, a very

scary scary....wuuuuu~
Here I Go
It's 8.27am and the exam will start at 1pm,hell am i scared or not? Business Statistic,am i gonna fail this coursework and get barred from the exam or what? Thinking of it,it's kinda giving me nerves.. well i did do some revision last night but like always i'll get blank whenever the question paper is just right in front of me,damn.exams.....warghhh!!
Anyway its 8.32am now and i need to "make up" myself,lol and i don`t wanna late for the stupid KL Rapid bus or else i`m gonna late for my BITA tutorial class. Signing off...
Saturday, August 05, 2006
arhh well, thx to,i think i'm gonna restart my blogging career back *did i have any blogging career before?* but hell who cares..7th and 9th of August, yah if i ever mentioned it's my coursework 2's date..and hell i'm so dead because i haven't even start to revise my ME or even BS yet,i'm so in trouble.So what should I do now? Just sit in front of this very computer or get my ass away from the pc chair and go straight to my bedroom to revise ME and BS?
I'll go for the 2nd choice as i don't wanna repeat the f*cking BS again for the next sem,till then daa~