Sunday, December 31, 2006
Goodbye 2006, Hello 2007
Here it comes again, the end of the year.
Honestly speaking, 2006 is being a great year to me eventhough with a lot of ups and downs.I learn a lot being a human myself and the ways to handle others, although frankly speaking that I'm still a kiddo and still acts like kid but I really grown up a lot this year.
Here is some of my ups and downs during my 2006 period.
- Got my first ever driving license and moves a car for the very first time.
- Got my SPM result which was not very good.
- Started my life as a college student on the 29th April 2006 at TAR College.
- Had my first ever car accident when I knocked a car at the LRT Station.
- Got to know a lot of new and amazing friends at the college.
- Had lots of arguments with my petsis ever since she's attached.
Well nothing to shout about about my ups and downs but for me, it's something very special as I'm going through all of this and take it as a part of my growing path to be better person.
2006 is going to end in few hours time, so I'll just take every bad thing happened to me as an experience and the all the positive incidents as my sweet memories.
In the year 2007, I'm going to have my own resolution as it's something new to me.
Ponder about my future a little bit moreScrap that, I have no control of my future after all. No point pondering.
- Study harder for this semester and don't fail any subjects this sem.
- Promise myself to hold my tears when Kama is departuring to Australia.
- Get myself a girlfriend (which is kind of next to impossible).
- Start to save money and get myself a part-time job.
- Shed some weights.
(The above resolution is waived if I'm really really hungry.)
- Most importantly, avoid slacking off from January to November, then try to achieve all my new years resolutions in bloody December!
What is your new years resolution?