Sunday, October 01, 2006
Wedding Day
Yesterday (30th September 2006) it was my cousin's wedding day, big day for him i guess.So around 9.00am my uncle came and fetched my mum and me. We arrived there around 10.00am+ at Pajam, my aunt's house. Then my my mum went in and talk to her sisters and other relatives while I just sit at outside the house with my handphone. The weird thing is all the people who passed by the house would look at me, in a weird way. Maybe they're from the bride's family side and never seen my ugly face before la.
Then the bride and groom arrived in front of the house in style at 12.30am. Sharp.

the groom is teaching this kid how to use a digital camera.
Then i spotted this two cute lil' baby inside the house.

So cute.
Ok, back to the topic.

The bride and the groom is out from the room and officially the "drinking tea" session has begun.

They seem like can't wait for the old granny to come.

The groom's parents, which is my uncle and aunty la

The groom's elder brothers.

Ma mom and ma aunt.
Then it's the bride's and groom's turn to give out angpaus to the kids.

They looked happy =l
There was no exception for me as I get myself an angpau too, withtout getting in the line ofcourse. Even the groom have to get up from the chair and pass the angpau to me. Muahahaha.
But the bad part is, there's only two notes of RM1 inside the red packet. Freaking stingy.
Then everything ended around 2pm and we get our ass wiped off around that time too. We arrived at home at 3 sharp. I took a nap as at 6pm we have to get ready for the wedding dinner.
The dinner was held somewhere in Seri Kembangan. Me and my family arrived there around 7.00pm+. The place is quite ok for a
Then there's one thing that attracted me. The picture below explains all.

I didn't notice that boy was actually looking at me
This stupid guy is smoking in a non-smoking area. The signboard is clearly written there "Dilarang merokok" and still he's smoking. One thing that amazed me is, even the waiter give an ashtray for him like encouraging him to smoke liddat. How pathetic.
Around 8.00pm, the dinner was officially started.
This is the list of the food which were served on that night.

And finally the conclusion.

Ma masterpiece or simply known as leftovers.
Then we left the place around 10.15pm and then this happen.

Stupid Wira park right behind of our car. How the heck our car can reverse out from the parking spot. Then we complained to the parking fella and he came with a car key and drove the car away.Thank god.
But then i pass by this restaurant and this its name have caught my attention.

Sorry for the bad quality of the photo. A 2.0 megapixels handphone camera did this.
Restoran Makan Laut? What? A restaurant can eat the humongous sea that covers up 75% of the earth? Stupid.