Monday, November 20, 2006
Blood Donation
"Blood donation is a process by which a blood donor voluntarily has blood drawn for storage in a blood bank or for subsequent use in a blood transfusion" -taken from WikipediaWell yah, I donated blood today. My first time doing it so though.
Located at College Hall, TARC, the First Aid Unit (FAU) of TARC is organising November Blood Donation Campaign. They've held numbers of blood donation campaign for every semester. I wonder they'll get profit for organising such campaign =X.
We went to the college hall right after we finished our QS's lecture. With John, Yung Ming, Jen Onn, Bee Yieng and Poi Moon as my company, I wasn't alone.
As we enter the hall, they're 3 machine that measures your weight waiting for us happily in front of the hall. Measured myself, 66 KG?!!! Damn I've grown fat. No more supper for me for the whole month =(
Then we proceed to the next "stage" which is registration. Then we have to take blood test to make sure that we're clean and identifying our blood type. I'm A type but i always thought I'm AB since my mom is AB blood type.

I prefer the "A" in my exam slip rather on that blood donation book.
After that, we had to take our blood pressure test. Mine was 88 or something, was it high or what? Later on we proceed to the counter which they provide us with the empty blood packet thingy.

In the hall with full of nice donors who
We're lead to our seat by our friendly FAU volunteers and the blood sucking process is ready to go.

See how my precious blood flowing away from me. Goodbye bloodie T_T

After the process finished.

"Dats me blood???" *faints*
I got a little bit of dizziness and feeling like vomitting after i donate the blood. I'm weak =(

This is the "present" that I got after they've sucked out my blood. A certificate of proof that they've sucked out your blood, 2 pens, 2 packet of medicine and a packet of 3 in 1 Ovaltine.
And a sticker

Gahhh!! Can anyone donate me some blood? I've lost alot of blood this evening T_T
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Daily Journey
Out of bored, I've decided to write a post about my daily journey to Tunku Abdul Rahman College.Here it goes.

ma house's front door
Left my home for Pandan Indah STAR LRT Station around 11.20am.

ma beloved Proton Wira 1.6 <3

inside da car
After 20 minutes of driving, I've finally arrived at Pandan Indah Station around 11.40am.

parked ma car. ill give out one free candy each for those who can spot ma car =D

pandan indah star lrt station
Waited for 13 minutes, finally the train arrived.

inside the star lrt train
Arrived at Masjid Jamek STAR LRT Station around 12 something. Then went to Masjid Jamek PUTRA LRT Station to take another train to Taman Melati PUTRA LRT Station.

masjid jamek putra lrt station

inside the putra lrt train
While I'm inside the train, I spotted this thing.

I don't know but the both instructions seems to be so wrong. I wonder they're trying to use "simple" English/Bahasa Melayu.
It took me 30 minutes to arrived at Taman Melati PUTRA LRT Station. I had to take a 5 minutes walk all the way to the back door of the college.

the horror

the "backside" of the college, i mean the back door.
Sweated all the way to the DK4, where my Macroeconomic's lecture is held at.

the front door of DK4

inside the lecture hall

macroeconomic's lecturer, Ms Tan Beng Yee.
The lecture finished early today.Went straight to canteen with Jen Onn and John.

on the way

canteen, where human meets food
Went to English tutorial class which is located at block R.

block R

inside the class
Finished the class at 5.00pm sharp. Sanjay decided to drive me with his car all the way to Wangsa Maju PUTRA LRT Station. How sweet of him =X

wangsa maju putra lrt station

inside the train, full with people

its raining outside =(, its not a good sign
Masjid Jamek PUTRA LRT Station is packed with people due to rain. I have to endure all the way to the another station. I was all wet when I arrived at Masjid Jamek STAR LRT Station.

everyone rushing into the train like "kambing masuk kandang".
Arrived at Pandan Indah STAR LRT Station around 6.35pm. Drive all the way back to my home. Thats the end of my story. Marvelous journey isn't it?
Monday, November 06, 2006
This happened on 3rd Nov.I was on my way going back to home and i spotted this thing at Wangsa Maju LRT.

Not clear? Alrite,zoom in.

The person who did this vandalism even spell the "stop" wrongly.
I wonder why we cannot skop at Pasar Seni station....