Sunday, December 31, 2006
Goodbye 2006, Hello 2007
Here it comes again, the end of the year.
Honestly speaking, 2006 is being a great year to me eventhough with a lot of ups and downs.I learn a lot being a human myself and the ways to handle others, although frankly speaking that I'm still a kiddo and still acts like kid but I really grown up a lot this year.
Here is some of my ups and downs during my 2006 period.
- Got my first ever driving license and moves a car for the very first time.
- Got my SPM result which was not very good.
- Started my life as a college student on the 29th April 2006 at TAR College.
- Had my first ever car accident when I knocked a car at the LRT Station.
- Got to know a lot of new and amazing friends at the college.
- Had lots of arguments with my petsis ever since she's attached.
Well nothing to shout about about my ups and downs but for me, it's something very special as I'm going through all of this and take it as a part of my growing path to be better person.
2006 is going to end in few hours time, so I'll just take every bad thing happened to me as an experience and the all the positive incidents as my sweet memories.
In the year 2007, I'm going to have my own resolution as it's something new to me.
Ponder about my future a little bit moreScrap that, I have no control of my future after all. No point pondering.
- Study harder for this semester and don't fail any subjects this sem.
- Promise myself to hold my tears when Kama is departuring to Australia.
- Get myself a girlfriend (which is kind of next to impossible).
- Start to save money and get myself a part-time job.
- Shed some weights.
(The above resolution is waived if I'm really really hungry.)
- Most importantly, avoid slacking off from January to November, then try to achieve all my new years resolutions in bloody December!
What is your new years resolution?
Thursday, December 28, 2006
SBS Nite
Went for the SBS (School Of Business Studies) Night on 27th of December 2006 which were held at the Club's House. The night was actually an appreciation night for those who held posts in their respective courses. Me ofcourse, didn't held any posts in my course as I'm going there as a replacement of my friend who can't make it that night.

Got this book from the front door from Jun, who is one of the SWC members who organised the event that night.

The stage.
Our seats were arranged nicely as our seats were located far from the stage, which gave us a very bad view from the stage. Damn those Advanced Diploma fellas who were seated in front of the very stage.
Nonetheless, the event has to go on isn't it? The emcee was great, who never fails to crack a joke on us, and trying to cover himself when his joke isn't working on us. The performances from those who were finalist from TT Night (Talent Time Night) was pretty interesting,
They managed to blow us with their powerful performance, breakdances and lots more. They were singing performances too though, from the two leng chais who were also the finalists from the TT Night. One of the lecturers did perform too, with his 3 old chinese songs, he manage to make us yawn out loud.

With John with a shacky picture.

Xiao Wei and I.

Xiao Wei, John and me myself.

Lovely Jun and chubby Xiao Wei. (Jun actually bending her knees down to make herself as same height as Xiao Wei)

Mr. Boon and Miss Jun

The DHR gang who turned up for the SBS Nite.

Yung Ming is happy.
Anyway overall it was a great night. Hopefully I'll get to attend more events like this, it's fun afterall.
Yew Loong's Birthday
An ex-schoolmate of mine, Low Yew Loong celebrated his birthday on the 26th December 2006 at Wong Kok Restaurant. Celebrating his 18th birthday, he invited mostly his old ex-schoolmates from Seraya to the party. Most of them I didn't meet for a very long time, well glad to meet them back lah.
They've booked the VIP room in the restaurant which is quite nice as we can have the whole room for ourselves.

The party started around 8.30pm which is quite out from the original time which they've planned to start it at 8pm. We start taking orders from our waiter, which is the host himself as he volunteer to take orders from us.

After we finish our dinners, we went straight for the "cutting cake ceremony".

All of us played a fool on Yew Loong by forcing him to kiss his gf, mouth to mouth for about 10 seconds and made both of them to eat cakes with one spoon.

The party ended around 12.00am. Overall, it's a great party well mainly because I've managed to keep up with my old schoolmates back.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.Yep, it's Christmas time again !!

Wearing a santa hat at the college is something new for me.
and well, like every year I won't be celebrating it though.
With my coursemates going back to their hometown celebrating xmas, Jun went for house-to-house carols singing and everyone is busy with their life, I just can't do anything except for watching Christmas show on the TV.
But there's something diffrent for me this year. Tan Yeok See, a classmate of mine gave me a present for Christmas to me. It is my very first ever Christmas present I've ever receive in my entire 18 years of my life.

Guess what she get for me?

a chopped down snowman's head
I don't know what it's called but it's sure sweet of her for getting me this present.
I was too happy until I turn the present around.

What's that thing suppose to do with the snowman's head?

You dont's expect me to hang that thing with my smelly socks and wait for the Santa Claus to put a present next to the bodyless snowball figure huh?
Nonetheless, it's a great present. Thank you so much See See, muahs!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Kama's party
Kama is going Australia to further her studies next year. So her parents held a farewell party for her to gather up her families and friends. Earlier, doa selamat session was held only for her family members.Well i went to the farewell party only with Aman, GG, Sha and Mel. Eventhough I'm his petbro, I'm still not consider as her family members though. Lol. I drove Aman, GG and Sha all the way to Kajang and meet up with Mel before we head off to Seremban 2 with Mel's car.
The party started around 8.30pm. We arrived there around 8.45 based on the map given by Kama.

The food was great. I even had my first ever soto in my life.
My friends was amazed with Kama's house though which is quite huge. Well one is enough to amaze my friends, but two is enough to make us speechless.



Aman and GG with their food.

Kama is busy layan-ing her friends.

Kama with her teacher and classmates. Also seen in this picture is GG, Sha and Mel.
We bid fareewell to Kama around 10.30pm. We had a great night though eventhough something bad happened after that. Sigh.
Today I had my BISA ( Business in System & Application ) coursework today. Well, the paper is kind of hard though. And then i smell this really big juicy rat, a fat one.
Sharmilla is caught copying answers from the lecture note.
Alot of people in the lecture hall is doing the same thing and that is cheating, except for me ofcourse.
I can't capture all the evidence as I'm doing my paper during that time though.
The debate for the English subject was held today too. Ah well, just taken some pictures during the debate though.

The government side preparing their reply speech.

The opposition side after finish their reply speech.

The audiences seems to be bored.

Pictures with my classmates before we head for home.
Saturday 9th Dec
Last Saturday, which is 9th December 2006 I went to Midvalley Megamall to meet up with my dearest and the only pet sis in the whole world, Nur Kamariah bt Macthal...or simply known as Kama =D. Well this is my third time meeting her since I've known her for almost 3 years.It doesn't goes well at the beginning though, waited her and her friend, Shuhada for almost an hour. Made me do my accounts and chewing the Jusco's burger while waiting for them. Before that, we've planned to watch a movie called "My Mother Is A Belly Dancer" which I've booked via internet. But then we've cancelled it. I hope the GSC ppl wont blacklist my name though, lol.
Then we went to search for food. Went to the foodcourt, full, went to KFC, full, went to McD, full and finally we ended up in a japanese restaurant which I've forgotten the name. The food was okay, but we couldn't finish it though. Then we went to shopping. I had to be Kama's "kuli" for the day and had to carry every stuffs that she's bought. I enjoyed it though, weird.
Off to KTM station around 6pm. Guess what?

I had to wait in a long queue to get my damn RM1 ticket. Kama had her Touch n' Go card while her friend had bought a "pergi balik" card. But still they waited for me until I bought my ticket. How touching. Waited almost half an hour for the train to come.
Here's some of the pictures I've taken during the meet up.

Kama and her friend in a japanese restaurant.

Kama in shopping mode, scary though.

Merry Christmas~

Kama ish tired...

Looking forward for the 16th though.
Lonely Lecture
It's Saturday.And i have lecture on Saturday, not an ordinary lecture though but a replacement lecture which were cancelled last Monday.
Well i woke up 6.30am for the 9.00am class which is located at DK6.
And i thought lotsa ppl will attend the lecture.

I was wrong =/
There's not more than 20 ppl who show up for the lecture eventhough the 3 courses is combined.
If liddat i better dunwan go la, wasted my time only.

Aiya teacher, i know no ppl is attending your lecture... but no need to point the finger liddat ma. It's Saturday anyway, can't blame them u know =X.