Saturday, December 02, 2006
Kama's party
Kama is going Australia to further her studies next year. So her parents held a farewell party for her to gather up her families and friends. Earlier, doa selamat session was held only for her family members.Well i went to the farewell party only with Aman, GG, Sha and Mel. Eventhough I'm his petbro, I'm still not consider as her family members though. Lol. I drove Aman, GG and Sha all the way to Kajang and meet up with Mel before we head off to Seremban 2 with Mel's car.
The party started around 8.30pm. We arrived there around 8.45 based on the map given by Kama.

The food was great. I even had my first ever soto in my life.
My friends was amazed with Kama's house though which is quite huge. Well one is enough to amaze my friends, but two is enough to make us speechless.



Aman and GG with their food.

Kama is busy layan-ing her friends.

Kama with her teacher and classmates. Also seen in this picture is GG, Sha and Mel.
We bid fareewell to Kama around 10.30pm. We had a great night though eventhough something bad happened after that. Sigh.