Saturday, June 02, 2007
Ah well, it's been awhile since I last posted here. Laziness really helps alot for me to not post anything in this very blog.Here's some recap about what's happened in my life for past few months.
On the 30rd March - 1st April 2007, went for Student Development Camp at Dusun Eco Resort Bentong, Pahang which were organised by Student Affairs Department, Tunku Abdul Rahman College.*gasp*
Anyway I had lotsa fun during the camp, meet lots of new friends and eventhough I've went to alot camps, this is the best ever!

My group members, Survivor 7!!

Men's pillow talk members.

Posing before lunch XD~

The whole SD Camp commitees and the students -spot me!
On the 16th May 2007 pulak, I attended my cousin's wedding. One thing i don't understand about kampung people, do they really have to get their female partners pregnant first then only go to register their marriage. My previous 3 cousins also ended up like this, pregnant first then only kahwin and even one of them were 17 back then.

The little girl is just too shy to face the audiences, she have the TV to cover up for her.
Then on the 23rd of May, the new batch of freshies were having their orientation. So we seniors have to guide them for their first day of the college.

From left, John, Poi Moon, Nian Fen and Yung Ming

The freshies in the lecture hall

Yung Ming in action

De Le Tour De College, huhu
It's been almost a year since Kama went to Australia, well she's doing good back there. Eventhough sometimes she struggled between her life, but I can tell she can go through all of it and I'll be there to support her! *hugs*

Ain't she's cute?... i mean the left one.

Kama and Co.
I'm gonna start updating my blog more often now, if I have the time =P. Stay tune for more!