Saturday, June 02, 2007

Ah well, it's been awhile since I last posted here. Laziness really helps alot for me to not post anything in this very blog.

Here's some recap about what's happened in my life for past few months.

On the 30rd March - 1st April 2007, went for Student Development Camp at Dusun Eco Resort Bentong, Pahang which were organised by Student Affairs Department, Tunku Abdul Rahman College.*gasp*

Anyway I had lotsa fun during the camp, meet lots of new friends and eventhough I've went to alot camps, this is the best ever!

My group members, Survivor 7!!

Men's pillow talk members.

Posing before lunch XD~

The whole SD Camp commitees and the students -spot me!

On the 16th May 2007 pulak, I attended my cousin's wedding. One thing i don't understand about kampung people, do they really have to get their female partners pregnant first then only go to register their marriage. My previous 3 cousins also ended up like this, pregnant first then only kahwin and even one of them were 17 back then.

The little girl is just too shy to face the audiences, she have the TV to cover up for her.

Then on the 23rd of May, the new batch of freshies were having their orientation. So we seniors have to guide them for their first day of the college.

From left, John, Poi Moon, Nian Fen and Yung Ming

The freshies in the lecture hall

Yung Ming in action

De Le Tour De College, huhu

It's been almost a year since Kama went to Australia, well she's doing good back there. Eventhough sometimes she struggled between her life, but I can tell she can go through all of it and I'll be there to support her! *hugs*

Ain't she's cute?... i mean the left one.

Kama and Co.

I'm gonna start updating my blog more often now, if I have the time =P. Stay tune for more!

bunz` wrote on 8:33 PM.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Dear Blog...

Dear Blog,

I want to apologize for leaving you out cold in recent days. It's my study, my life, all these things have taken precedence over you. I'm so sorry-lah, but you're just a website. I mean, you're important to me, and I'd die if I lost you, but I really really really can't find the time proper to give you a pat on the back.

But I know you understand me so well. After all, you've been my confidante for so many years.


Signed and etc.

bunz` wrote on 8:00 PM.

Saturday, February 17, 2007
Dong Dong Mao

Look what I've found on Youtube.

This is so gonna boost up my mood to celebrate CNY.

bunz` wrote on 2:45 AM.

Thursday, February 08, 2007
CNY Shopping

Went out again today, but this time bought some stuffs for the upcoming Chinese New Year.

He must be very very tired...

Berjaya Times Square, Sungei Wang and Petaling Street was our hunt place of the day. Went with John and Yung Ming. Hui Ling and Khim Chew *release aeroplane on us for various reason.
*release aeroplane - broke their promise

Didn't bought anything at Times Square though. I was thinking to buy those Death Note stuffs they're selling at BTS but felt like kind of waste of money, so I didn't buy it at last.

Bought 3 t-shirts at Sungei Wang which only cost me RM40. Went to Sungei Wang and bought a pair of *fan pan Adidas shoe for RM50.
*fan pan - cetak rompak/pirated

Spent a total RM90 today, didn't spent that much for a very long time already.

Anyway the interesting part that happened today occured at Sungei Wang. I was looking for a bag and I saw one and then I asked the seller how much it cost. The fella said RM55 and I turned to Yung Ming and he told me it was only RM20 at other place. A big fish was caught on the spot, the fella tried to potong me and luckily Yung Ming was with me.

Then I just walked away by saying no.

The fella grab me and say he can give me cheaper.


Fuck, still wanna cheat me.

Me: Takpe la bang, tak nak dah.. *walks away*
Seller: OKOK, RM45 camne boss??
Me: *walks further*
Seller: RM35!!
Me: *walks even further*
Seller: RM25!!
Me: *Gone*

Damn la, with sellers like this I don't know how much people will get cheated. If you wanna gain profit like that, you won't last long dude.

bunz` wrote on 12:21 AM.

Death Note

Went to watch Death Note 2 - The Last Name today with Sha today. This is the second time I'm watching it as I've watched it before at KLCC on 25th Jan on my own and I enjoyed it till the bits.

The point i don't get it is the recent movie reviews on Death Note 2 that I've read on The Star paper as they labelled it as "boring". Maybe the person who writes about the movie review on Death Note doesn't like anime/manga much. But hell, who cares as the Death Note 2 - The Last Name is just more than worth it to watch. Trust me, unless if your not an anime lover like the the guy who called Death Note as boring.

Death Note 2 - The Last Name

Favourite character in the movie, Erika Toda as Misa Amane.

Isn't she's cute? *melts*"

I don't mind watching it for the third time, serious.

bunz` wrote on 12:21 AM.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Guys' Priorities

Recently, just posted an entry about guys' priorities. These are few quotes that were taken from;

Kenny: Not cannot. 'cos women's clock is different.
Kenny: 1 minute is 10 minutes.
Kenny: 10 minutes is 1 hour.
Kenny: 1 hour is half a day.

Jane*: hrm... how long is 10 mins to a guy?

Kenny: Depends on what we're doing.
Kenny: If we're having fun, playing games, watching football, 10 minutes feel like 10 seconds.
Kenny: If we're waiting for food, waiting for TOTO results, waiting for girls to shop, 10 minutes feel like eternity.

It was so damn TRUE, until I laugh my ass off. XD

bunz` wrote on 9:48 AM.

Friday, January 19, 2007
Final Examination

Final Examination for Semester 2, here it comes.

Target for the finals this time, pass every single of the subject and score A in both BM and BI paper which is kind of Mission Impossible. But I'll try my best for the finals this time, that means no more lurking around in front of the PC which I'm doing it right now.


bunz` wrote on 12:50 PM.

Sunday, January 07, 2007
Yam Cha

Last night, went to Wangsa Maju to fetch my classmates to Ampang to yam cha. It was the very first time for Poi Moon, Ivy and Chin Yee stepping their foot on Ampang while this is the second time for John and Yung Ming.

Bring them to Mamak King, which is a common place for me and my ex-schoolmates hanging around.

messy table

Some of the photos taken last morning;

john, me and ivy

john, louder than home theater's speaker chin yee and me myself..

moon moon and wei wei

poi moon, money lover john and me

fooling around inside da car, frm left yung ming, poi moon, ivy and chin yee

Overall we ate 4 roti tissues, 1 roti pisang, 1 roti telur, 1 rojak. They're gonna grow fat, really fat I mean.

Off to home around 1.00 am, drop them back at Wangsa Maju and drove myself all the way back to Ampang again. Sneak into home around 2.00am and luckily all of my families were fall asleep, escaped myself from my mum's nagging XD.

Great night indeed.

bunz` wrote on 12:06 PM.